Who We Are
Love God. Love Others. Serve the World.
Grand View Methodist Church is a high energy, high flexibility, high satisfaction congregation that has grown to be a transformative body of Christ. Grand View was founded in 1877 and has been at our current location since 2003.
We believe that in the midst of a chaotic and divided culture people are longing to be known and to know others. We are in the relationship business; helping build healthier relationships between all people and God, God’s People, and the Christian Lifestyle.
MISSION: We exist to continue the work of Jesus Christ in the world.
VISION: That all people who connect at Grand View will find their lives enhanced and helped in loving God, loving others, and serving the world using any and all means and methods we provide.
Grand View is a member of the Global Methodist Church denomination and located in the Upper Midwest Annual Conference. It is an exciting time to be a part of this new expression of Methodism.
Core Values
The Word of God
Reading the Bible and striving to hear the Word of God, learning from it, and then applying it, informs and directs what we do. In addition, the Nicene & Apostle's Creed are important, solid statements of what we believe.
Worship is Essential
We strive to make worship meaningful, inspiring, accessible, and excellent for the whole Community to gather in communion with God and God's people.
Relationships over Programs
People are what matter most at Grand View. All are called at Grand View to do ministry in the midst of the community.
Being the Body of Christ
We believe we are the Body of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue the work of Jesus in the world. Because of this all people are expected, encouraged, and equipped to serve in the name of Jesus.
Power in Small Groups
We encourage all to be active in a small group so as to experience the true power of Christian community and growth in discipleship. Small groups, education, and learning is essential for all ages - including our children and youth.
Membership Means Something
All are invited to attend and participate, but for those who wish for a more formal commitment of membership there is a pledge of Prayers, Presence, Money, Service, and Witness.
All Means All
All people are invited and encouraged to full participation in the life of Grand View - including small groups, worship, and service. We continue this by encouraging and inviting all people into the live of Grand View.
We Have Fun
We don't take ourselves too seriously and believe that good things happen through the relationships of trust we build with each other. We assume the best of each other and are always willing to try new things.
We Believe in Threes
We believe in the triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We encourage participation in Celebration (worship), Small Groups, and Service. And we aim to always Love God, Love Others, and Serve the World.