Wesley, East Dubuque
Sunday Worship 9:30am
1 Wesley Way, East Dubuque, IL 61025
(Next to Dunleith Pool. Turn at Miller Funeral Home / East Dubuque High School on Parklane Dr.)
A classic Worship Celebration with traditional hymns and liturgy. Pastor Crystal leads worship until the sermon is delivered via livestream from Rev. Tom Shinkle at Grand View. There is rich history in this church, and we can't wait to have coffee with you and get to know you better! Join us every Sunday at 9am for fellowship, followed by worship at 9:30am in an uplifting environment where it's ok to say AMEN during Worship and just be yourself! We'll see you Sunday!
Campus Pastor
Crystal Weber
Pastor Crystal has been the campus pastor at Wesley for 3 years. She has an inviting and calm demeanor and is LOVED by the people here at Wesley.