Cell Groups

What are Cell Groups?

Cell Groups are specifically designed to help all participants grow and mature in the understanding, experience, and practice of the Christian faith. There are different aspects of a Cell Group: social, care, love, support, encouragement, and to know and be known. These aspects, or benefits, are produced naturally when the group focuses upon the primary activity of reading the same scripture daily, discussing it, praying for one another, and helping hold one another to deeper expectations. Our Cell Groups are comprised of 12 or fewer people who pray for one another and meet together one hour each week. Cell Group times and locations.

Each Cell Group follows the same daily Scripture reading, called Grand View Reads, then shares their experiences of the Scripture during their weekly meeting time. On Sunday, Rev. Tom uses that week’s Scripture reading in the Sunday sermon.

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"Grand View Reads" is our church-wide Bible reading plan that Cell Groups and Grand View members follow. 

We encourage everyone to read the same scripture every day for a week, Sunday through Saturday, based off a reading schedule. This cohesiveness and consistency with everyone reading and discussing the same passages help each of us grow deeper in our understanding of God and God's word.

Here are some questions to look at everyday–all or some of them–to help move deeper into the Scripture and be more receptive to God’s Holy Spirit speaking to you and forming you:

  • What are my general thoughts or reactions to this Chapter?

  • What did I read today that was either challenging or exciting?

  • Is there a verse or image or teaching that seems to be grabbing my attention today?

  • What is God wanting me to know?

  • Is this pointing to something that I need to do or an area of growth for me?

  • Is this pointing to something I have done or experienced before in my life?

  • Is this something I need to share with others as a way to encourage or help them?